Is your Team Engaged? How do you keep them happy and keep up performance?

Only 15% of the world’s workers are engaged and reaching their full potential at work, according to research by Gallup. Increasing that engagement is a key aim for many business owners. No single factor can improve the engagement levels of your staff, but offering a varied and valuable package of employee benefits, and an attractive … Read more

Are you potential customers on the line & hook?

The people who answer your phone are responsible for the first impression of your brand. A sour phone interaction could lead to a prospect defriending your business. Have an open conversation about how to address callers to position your business as being considerate, empathetic and helpful. We’re looking to build long term customer friendships; it’s … Read more

What is a downsizer super contribution?


The downsizer super contribution rules introduced by the Government were one of a number of measures introduced to help reduce pressure on housing affordability. But it can also help people top up their ability to live more comfortably and affordably. From 1 July 2018, individuals over 65 years of age may be eligible to contribute … Read more

Going away… Out of Office replies count


I’m not a huge fan of auto-replies, but they can be a necessary evil and a godsend at times when used well. It’s probably the last thing you do before you head out of the office to enjoy your holiday, but here’s why you should take some time to create your out-of-office message. But to … Read more